Age rating: 7/4 år
Lenght: 108 min
Price: 12€
Language: ENG
Subtitles: SE, FI
OSCAR for Best picture, Best director and best actress.
Golden Globe for Best picture and Best director.
Following the economic collapse of a company town in rural Nevada, Fern (Frances McDormand) packs her van and sets off on the road exploring a life outside of conventional society as a modern-day nomad. The third feature film from director Chloé Zhao, NOMADLAND features real nomads Linda May, Swankie and Bob Wells as Fern's mentors and comrades in her exploration through the vast landscape of the American West.
These measures are now in place in the hall for you safety, wellbeing and enjoyment.
- We recommend that face masks are used
- Max 20 tickets for sale for each show.
- Advance booking only. Reservations are made through this website:
- It is also possible to book a seat by phone one hour before the movie starts. Number: 0505587097
- Social distance
- Sanitiser stations located at the main entrance
- Host support regarding social distancing